ROI: Top 3 planning permission show stoppers

If you plan to build a new house you must obtain planning permission. And if you want to extend, chance are you’ll need to get the green light from the planners too.

Here are three common reasons why you might not get past this first stage in ROI:
  1. Percolation. If your site fails the percolation test and you can’t connect to mains sewerage, you’ll be turned down in ROI. The EPA is currently looking into increasing the maximum t-value which would allow more sites to be eligible for building on.
  2. Locals-only rules. Some local authorities make it a pre-requisite that you be from the local area or work within it. European Union rules should see this requirement removed in the coming year.
  3. Council fees. Check how much your local authority will charge you for the upkeep of roads and other amenities related to your building new. Water connection fees can be prohibitive in some areas also. That said Irish Water is about to introduce a flat fee for water connections across ROI.

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Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email

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