in Building methods, Collating your ideas, Cost 200-300, Leinster, New Build, Pre design, Projects, Self-build Projects, Timber Frame, Two Storey Built out of lengths of timber
in Design, Direct labour vs main contractor, Extension/Renovation Projects, Heating systems, Munster, New Build, Other key structural decisions, Pre design, Projects, Securing planning permission, Self-build Projects, Timber Frame Concrete interiors for new Co Cork home
in Choosing an architectural designer, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts Ep 12 – How architects and quantity surveyors help self-builders save money
in Appointing a main contractor, Direct labour vs main contractor, Getting started on site, Podcast, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts Ep 7 – Co Down project with main contractor
in Design, Energy Efficiency, Airtightness & The Environment, Heat emitters, Heating systems, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts Ep 3 – Heating systems: what’s the best option for a self-build in Ireland?
in Budget & Financing, Cost savers, Cost Series, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts Ep 2 – How much does it cost to build a house in Ireland
in Collating your ideas, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts Ep 1 – Self-builder Nicola Thorpe of Co Down chats about her Clachan style new build
in Block, Bungalow, Collating your ideas, Leinster, New Build, Pre design, Projects, Self-build Projects Vernacular new build in Co Kildare