Most large self-build stakeholders produce guides to help the community at large. These include design guides, budget guides and everything in between, from showing you how to paint your house to building cost calculators. They are all gathered here in one neat list, just click on the download button to access them.

Last update: December 2024
Service connection guides and forms
ROI Irish Water online application for new connections
ROI Irish Water Pre Connection Enquiry form – to check if a mains water connection is feasible
ROI Irish Water Diversion Application form
NI Water Pre-Planning Process: Check there’s a connection available
Overview of Pre-Planning Process
NI Water New Water Connection
New Water Connection Guidance Notes
NI Water New Wastewater Connection
New Sewer Connection Guidance Notes
NI Water building near a water main
NI Water building near a wastewater main
ROI ESB Networks online application for new power connection
NIE Networks online application for new power connection

Design and build guides
Self-build guide by Haldane Fisher (6th Edition), Haldane Fisher, The Self Build Guide
Design checklist by Landmark Designs (2020) , Landmark Designs, Design Services Checklist
Design and build guide by healycornelius design (2020) , Healycornelius design, A Journey Guide to Creating Your Dream Home
Designing homes for all users , Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, Universal Design Guidelines For Homes in Ireland

Budget guides
Mortgage providers’ budget guides
Self-build guide by MC Financial (2020), MC Financial, Self build and renovation guide
ROI Cost template by Ulster Bank (2017), Ulster Bank (ROI), Cost of Construction Template
ROI Danske Bank self-build guide, Danske Bank, The eight stages of building your own home
EBS Mortgages self-build guide, EBS Mortgages, Your guide to building your home: Build your own sweet home
Bank of Ireland (ROI) Guide to building or renovating your own home 2024
Progressive’s self-build guide to the mortgage process , The Progressive, Your step-by-step guide to Self-build mortgages
Other Budget Guides
RIAI Building Cost Guidelines (2019), RIAI, RIAI Building/Construction Cost Guidelines 2019
Construction costs in Ireland 2019, Isabel Barros Architect, Construction Costs in Ireland 2019
SCSI House Cost Calculator, SCSI, Renewing your house insurance rebuild calculator
Selfbuild Build Cost Calculator, Selfbuild/ProntoCalc, Build cost calculator
NI Direct guide to raising money to build a home, NI Direct , Raising the money to build your own home

Other guides and documents
Self-build Excel Sheets: Download construction schedules and budgeting sheets
ROI sequence of build for statutory requirements when opting in, Winkens Architecture (2015)
ROI sequence of build for statutory requirements when opting out, Winkens Architecture (2015)
EXCLUSIVE TO Sb+: The Ultimate DIY Painting guide (2011, 2020 update), by Brian Cahill, protected by copyright
RIBA project management guide – Plan of Work (2020)