Receive expert advice for your selfbuild or home renovation project while making a positive impact
In this article we cover:
- Initiatives to get your questions and plans discussed by RSUA or RIAI registered architects.
- Details about the charities involved.
- How to come prepared for your consultation.
If you are planning to build or renovate your home, you likely have many questions and may not know where to start with your project. Fortunately, there are currently two initiatives available where you can donate to a good cause, and in return for your donation, you will get an hour long consultation with a registered architect to discuss your plans.

If you are in Northern Ireland, you can book a consultation through by making a minimum donation of £40 to Friends of the Cancer Centre at Belfast City Hospital. Friends of the Cancer Centre is one of NI’s leading cancer charities which focuses mainly on clinical care, patient comfort, and research.
The architect you will meet is registered with the Royal Society of Ulster Architects (RSUA). This is a great opportunity to get expert advice on your project whilst also supporting a worthy cause. All the money raised through Ask an Architect will support locally led cancer research.

If you are in ROI, you can participate in the RIAI Simon Open Door Initiative by donating €98 to the Simon Communities. The Simons Communities provides housing and other services for those facing the stress and trauma of being homeless and has 8 independent locations across Ireland.
This donation will give you an hour long consultation with a registered Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland (RIAI) architect. The RIAI is the professional body for architects in Ireland, and its members are known for their expertise and high standards.
During your consultation, you can discuss building, renovating, or retrofitting your home and get personalised advice tailored to your needs. You can book a date any time between May 8th and May 14th on
Prior to your consultation, it is advisable to gather all your ideas for the project in one place, conduct research to identify the architect you want to work with, and determine the specific requirements you have for your project.
It is important to note that all participating architects in these initiatives are giving their time and expertise for free, and all monies raised from the consultations will go directly to the charities.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to get expert advice and positively impact people’s lives.