‘Fairly sizable non-compliance from self-builds’, says Dept of Housing official

Department of Housing officials believe there is an issue with self-builders not complying with regulations, a Freedom of Information request has revealed.

Corresponding with an official from the Central Statistics Office, George Hussey  from the Department of Housing stated: I think my rather tentative take away points from the tables and discussion might be as follows:
  • It looks like there is fairly sizable non compliance with the regulations going on – particularly (probably) in regards self build (we also think this is the case in respect of commencement notices)
We asked the Department to clarify what data these claims were based on, however the Department produced information that did not specifically deal with one-off houses, nor did it show any reason why self-builders could be inferred to be non-compliant.

The reply instead outlined the statistical difficulties in determining the number of new build completions.    

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Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email astrid.madsen@selfbuild.ie

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