New fire guidance for intermediate floor construction

The ROI Department of Housing issued new fire safety guidance for building intermediate floors with solid timber joists, metal web joists, and I joists (28th January 2019).

Part B – Fire Safety was revised in 2017 to include provisions specifically for dwelling houses. Technical Guidance Document B Volume 2 – Dwelling houses (TGD B – Fire Safety Volume 2 Dwelling houses 2017) was published to support Part B and to give guidance on prima facie compliance with the regulations. The Department of Housing has now issued Irish specific guidelines based on fire tests on floor constructions using different joist types: solid, metal web and timber web. The test were carried out by the Truss Rafter association, Irish Timber Frame Manufacturers Association and Gypsum Industry in accredited laboratories in accordance with the appropriate European Test method for load bearing floors. The resulting guidance is replicated below:                                    

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Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email

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