If you haven’t already, it’s time to book a one-hour no-obligation consultation with an architect to discuss your new build or renovation project, and at the same time help a good cause.
In ROI, check out the RIAI Simon Open Door 2019 event – you can book a one hour session with an architect for a rate of €95 and have all the proceeds go to the cause of fighting homelessness. You can resereve your space on simonopendoor.ie to book a consultation between Saturday 11th May and Sunday 19th May.
If you’re in NI, a similar initiative called Ask an Architect supports the Friends of the Cancer Centre and the Jill Dodd Trust; bookings can be made on askanarchitect-ni.com for a minimum donation of £40 and consultations can take place any time until the 17th May.
Image of a house by McCreanor & Co Architects – photo courtesy of McCreanor & Co