Due to the demand for ever better insulation properties in front doors, the installation depth of the profiles and therefore also the thickness of the infill panels have increased significantly in recent years.
Depending on the design and material of the infill panel and profile, and particularly in the case of dark colours and closed panels in exposed positions, different interactions may occur, which can lead to a warping of the entire door leaf.

Enter NorDan’s new aluminium entrance door range which produces panels with ESC composite as standard. The ESC Feature is a patented elastic sandwich composite (EP3 593 989) for exposed locations and dark colours. Thanks to the elastic sandwich compound, the forces caused by solar radiation, or the effects of cold temperatures are reduced to a minimum.
Among many other features, the doors also come with toughened safety glass (ESG) as standard for all panels above 60mm thickness, and a 19 mm glass inset meaning the edge seal is 4 mm thicker all around resulting in a lower risk of leaks (pane does not become cloudy or etched, even during long periods of use).
For NorDan’s entrance door e-brochure, email info@nordan.ie