in Advice, Budget & Financing, Choosing wall and floor finishes, Choosing windows and doors, Cost savers, Heating systems, Kitchen and bathroom designs, Second fix: Watchpoints, Working out your requirements Is it cheaper to build new or renovate?
in Budget & Financing, Choosing the kitchen, Cost savers, Design, Kitchen and bathroom designs, On site, Podcast, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts, Windows and doors: Watchpoints Ep82 – How much does a kitchen cost in Ireland today?
in Block, Budget & Financing, Building methods, Bungalow, Choosing an architectural designer, Collating your ideas, Cost 200-300, Direct labour vs main contractor, Energy Efficiency, Airtightness & The Environment, Homeowner Diaries, Other key structural decisions, Projects, Ulster, Working out your requirements Cost savings on traditional build in Co Down
in Advice, Before you start to dig, Building control: Register your project, Direct labour tasks, Direct labour vs main contractor, Health & Safety: Appoint PSDS, Insurance and warranty cover Do you need a project manager?
in Budget & Financing, Choosing windows and doors, Cost savers, Design, On site, Podcast, Pre design, SB+ Podcasts, Windows and doors: Watchpoints Ep81 – Why do windows cost 15k on one house and 50k on another?
in Advice, Budget & Financing, Design, Energy Efficiency, Airtightness & The Environment, Pre design, Provisions for on-site electricity, water Are batteries worth it?
in Advice, Energy Efficiency, Airtightness & The Environment, Provisions for on-site electricity, water How much do solar PV panels cost?