Before you put pencil to paper and start sketching out a design, first spend a little time thinking and discussing with friends and family what it is you need and how you would improve the home you currently live in, and what features you would keep.
It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a pivotal decision to make– so getting it right is important.
Scrapbooks, online ideas and mood boards are all good ways to collate ideas for building your new home.
The most common building methodsin Ireland are blockwork and timber frame but there are other options to consider as well. Building methods categories can be organised as follows:
Building methods mostly deal with wall construction, although some types, such as ICF or prefabricated buildings, may be able to build the roof out of the same material as the walls.
Unless you have direct experience at employing trades people and have the time and skills to manage a site directly then you should think carefully before setting off down the direct labour route. Whilst you will not be paying a contractor’s profit (typically 10 per cent) it can often be a false economy going the direct labour route.
Planning permission is the government’s written authorisation for you to build a house according to the plans you submit to them, oftentimes with conditions attached.
Deciding on a budget is very individual. It could be what money you have saved or the value of your current home, or even the maximum amount a mortgage provider will lend.